...in the middle of life, marriage, raising kids, and the country.
We're a Midwest, blended family that is just trying to figure
out all the things and keep our sanity chasing all of these
kids around. Thanks for following us and we hope to
learn more about you along the way!
I'm a Southwestern girl that has been transplanted in the Midwest. I had my two girls in a previous marriage and my husband had my bonus three boys in his previous marriage. In 2020, I turned 40 and we're celebrating our 11th year of a blended marriage. The older two are both 20 now and each attends colleges away from home. The other three are 17, my daughter is a senior this year and the twins are juniors. We have very sporty kids and four out of five of them compete in at least one sport. So, my husband and I have our hands FULL!
My purpose for starting this site is to share some of the knowledge I've learned navigating all the rough waters, and hopefully to hear how you have been able to navigate things I haven't quite mastered yet. Being in the middle of all the "stuff and things" can be a messy operation. Boy, I can't count the number of times I've stepped in the mess...and you're not alone if you've even tripped over it from time to time.
I just hope that you can find some helpful resources, have a little laugh, and let me know I'm also not alone. Come on moms...let's figure out this middle together!
- Wendy
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